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john lennon

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John e Yoko
“Love is free, free is love” - A journey into their beautiful love story, singular and unconventional, at times even ostentatious - In the form of song theatre, aims to retrace the central years of their work.
  05 Dic 2023  |     Redazione   |     Airton Cardoso Lana   |     permalink   |      commenti
(English version) A spetacule by and from Elena Martelli and Martino Iacchetti, directed by Bruna Serina de Almeida and produced by Oltreunpo'Teatro If you go to the English Wikipedia about John Lennon and search for the word “Ono” you will find about 163 correspondences (even in his own name “John Winston Ono Lennon” after he changed his name in 22 April 1969), and such an important person in John Lennon life, mother of his only child, love of his life, still is characterized as a “villain” to every Beatles fan, since she supposedly caused the end of the band. And their relationship is the most important aspect of the theatre show “JOHN E YOKO” that is on Teatro Delfino this last weekend.
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